Home sweet home
Mathew and I have been back at home for a week now after leaving his Mum and Dad’s house a few days after he picked me up. On the drive we stopped at McDonald’s for lunch as we always do, but this time Mathew preferred to mix things up and gave me some of his hamburger and fries rather than sharing chicken nuggets. When I realised that’s all I was getting I ate it, but I still prefer the chicken nuggets. I hope he gets them instead next time. For some reason though he has never offered me any of his drink. Maybe next time I will just have to sneak a sip.
Back at home Mathew has had to go back to work, but I have settled back into the yard. I spend most of my time sleeping during the day, and continue my sleep inside when Mathew gets home. I sleep much better of a night now knowing where he is. I think he is making things up to me as I have been given a few treats lately, and the other day he bought me the biggest bone I have ever seen. I have seen the other half of it in the fridge and tried to help myself, but he told me I can have tomorrow morning when he leaves for work. I can’t wait! I am so glad to be home!