Your not going anywhere without me!

Mathew has been coming home of a night quite late recently. He says he has been at work, but when he doesn’t have any dinner and just feeds me, I know he has also been other places without me. On Saturday he started packing his suitcase with lots of stuff. I didn’t know what was going on, so I stayed quite close not letting him out of my sight just in case he was trying to sneak something by me. He eventually loaded me in his car and off we went, however after a few minutes we stopped at the dog park. Not sure why he needed to pack his suitcase to come here. No matter of his strange ways, I still love the dog park, so if we want his suitcase he can have it. After a short play with the other dogs we met up with Mathew’s friend Valese and her new 15 week puppy Bodie and went for a walk around the lake. Bodie was quite energetic, jumping on my back and running between my legs, but I didn’t mind. Mathew even let me go for a swim in the lake, something I would later regret. We eventually headed back to the car and headed for home where Mathew proceeded to put me straight into the backyard. Eventually Mathew emerged from the house and chased me around the backyard with a bucket of water. He tricked me into lying down, and then pouring it over me. Apparently my swim in the lake, and a lie down on the edge, had covered me in dirt and slime. I don’t think he will let me in there again, but I did have fun. The afternoon consisted of  sleep after my tiring day before Mathew fed me a very early dinner and then put me outside and left. I wasn’t sure where he went and what those suitcases still meant, but even though he didn’t come back for a long time, he still returned in time for my bed time.

The next morning he was up early cleaning the house, and as usual, I liked to get in his way for some attention. It’s a fun game sitting where he wants to vacuum. When he started loading the car again I knew he meant business, but when I saw my bag thrown in the back and my seatbelt harness come out I knew he wasn’t going anywhere without me. He would never leave me! All strapped in and we were on the road. When we start driving and don’t stop for a while I can only assume we are going to his Mum and Dad’s to see Hoover and Snow, and the lunchtime highway stop for our ritual McDonalds chicken nuggets also helped to confirm it. Mathew didn’t play fair though, as while I was going to the toilet, he ate half of them without sharing. Not fair! Back on the road and a few hours later we finally arrived. Hoover was Snow were both exciting to see me, but I was sad to see Hoover who looked terrible. He has just had an operation on one of his back legs and is stuck in a big cage to prevent him damaging it more. He really wanted to come out for a proper hello, but we had to make do through the wire. Sn0w and I went and had a play in the backyard with Mathew while his Mum and Dad took Hoover to Mathew’s Nan’s house who is going to look after him for a while. After a long day it was nice to eventually lie down and have a sleep for what I am sure will be another exciting visit with my best friends.

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